Guide Trip (Half Day - 2 People)

Your Price:$300.00
HEAVY Sales volume - Expect delays!
Part Number:108
This trip is a half day (4 hours) of Guided Trout Fishing on the World famous White River in Arkansas!

This trip is for 2 people and includes all bait, tackle, rods, reels, line, etc. We also offer ice cold water in the warm months and we can offer hot coffee in the colder months if you want. All you need to bring is your fishing license and a good attitude!

We'll keep you posted leading up to your fishing day for appropriate clothing (warm jacket or sweatshirt, rain gear, etc.)

We typically start fishing at 7am but that time is flexible to fit both your needs as well as the changing water conditions of the river. Half day trips can be more flexible than the full day trips. On occasion, when it's really hot, we will run these in the evenings, typically from 4pm - 8pm. 

When water flow allows, we can also start earlier than normal to avoid the heat of the day. On days with minimum flows in the morning we will usually bump those trips to later in the day when water flow is better. At the end of the day, our main goal is to give you the best possible trip. This means moving times and even boat ramps further up or down river to meet your needs.

We can accommodate group trips but please allow more time to arrange them. Getting multiple boats for one trip takes time as schedules don't always line up!

**Please call for available dates before purchasing this trip: 541-508-3474**

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