The Ultimate Trout Pack
The Ultimate Trout Pack

The Ultimate Trout Pack

On sale$59.00
Retail Price:$73.90
Your Savings:$14.90(20%)
HEAVY Sales volume - Expect delays!
Part Number:97

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The Ultimate Trout Pack

Value = $68.20
Sale price = $50

That's over 25% off
What's in the kit:

300 Soft Beads

48 Miracle Worms & 

20 Teaser Minnows (4 pre-rigged)

Here's the breakdown:

8mm Soft Beads

(1 Pack ea.)

Pearl Peach
Pearl Atomic Yellow

Pearl Hot Pink

Pearl Shrimp Pink
Pearl Steelhead Orange &
Pearl Hot Red

3" Miracle Worms 

(2 Packs of ea.)

Bubblegum and Pure White

Last, but definitely not least:

Teaser Minnows 

Motoroil w/ red flake 

(4 Pre-rigged on 1/16 oz #4 jigs with 16 unrigged)

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